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Jason R Lady
Author of fantasy and science fiction for young readers
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest of men." -Roald Dahl
Drawing Contest
magic pen pictures!
What if YOU had a magic pen?

Imagine you have a magic pen, and what you draw comes to life.
What would YOU draw? What would happen next?
STEP ONE: Download the drawing page here.
STEP TWO: Draw your picture. You can use colored pencils, pens, paint, barbecue sauce, whatever suits you. Just make sure it's nice and dark and visible so it shows up good here on!
STEP THREE: Don't forget to sign with your first name and the town you live in.
STEP FOUR: Send your picture to me here!
Your picture might get featured on the homepage, and on my official Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!
Picture Gallery

Ambidextrous Al

Book Series


Ambidextrous Al
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